Scientific Name:

Plant family:


Armoracia rusticana

Cruciferous family = Brassicaceae

Vitamins (including vitamin C), essential oils, mustard oils, allyl mustard oil, allicin, glucosinolates, sinigrin, gluconasturtiin, minerals, flavones, quercetin, kaempferol, asparagine, arginine, pentosan, alloxur bases, organic sulfur compounds, oxydase

Scientific Name: Armoracia rusticana

Plant family: Cruciferous family = Brassicaceae

Ingredients: Vitamins (including vitamin C), essential oils, mustard oils, allyl mustard oil, allicin, glucosinolates, sinigrin, gluconasturtiin, minerals, flavones, quercetin, kaempferol, asparagine, arginine, pentosan, alloxur bases, organic sulfur compounds, oxydase

Harvest time:

until March


Horseradish is used in two major areas: cooking and medicine. Basically, it can be said that it is very healthy, because it is rich in vitamin C. Horseradish has twice the vitamin C amount of lemons – and in addition, it contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus.


In medicine, the pungent root can help against infectious diseases, pain and against flu germs. Horseradish strengthens the immune system and has antibacterial effects. It contains antibiotic and cancer-preventive substances. Horseradish compresses can be used to relieve rheumatic complaints, and a tea infusion fights coughs and colds. Additionally, horseradish can regulate the intestinal flora and stabilize digestion. Therefore, it is often used to make rich dishes more digestible. For insect bites, you can put the grated root on the affected skin area and massage it gently.

For toothaches, horseradish can simply be placed on the painful area for a while and left there until the sharpness subsides. Furthermore, horseradish can help with sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, bladder and kidney pelvic inflammation, against uroliths, gout, muscle pain, flatulence, scurvy, headaches, as well as many other diseases and ailments.

It can be made into poultices or highly concentrated tinctures and applied and ingested accordingly. To strengthen the immune system – especially during cold season – you can make a horseradish cure by taking one teaspoon of pure horseradish each morning and evening  for at least two weeks. Stay healthy!

KOCHS Sahnemeerrettich Serviervorschlag Ansicht 02


Especially for preventing colds, horseradish is a popular and simple home remedy:  take one teaspoon of freshly grated horseradish twice a day for about two weeks.